August 18, 2015 — Fieldtrip to Rusty Gleaves’ studio

From our President, Maria Spaeth:

“One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.” Thoreau was a wise man. If he only knew what it was like living in the Adirondacks, he would know all too well how folks live by his words. Even those of us who are here for only a short time, soak summer up in hope of making it last through the roughest of winters. One of the best parts of summer is always Historic Edinburgh Day! Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s special day an event to remember! For over twenty years the Edinburg Historical Society has been working with community organizations to create a day to celebrate Edinburg, it’s history, and it’s people. What a spectacular summer event for everyone! Please join us for our Fall Festival on Saturday September 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, where we will be featuring our homemade soups and breads, baked goods, demonstrations, our lovely museums, and so much more!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the July “House Stories” program hosted by the Edinburg Historical Society. House Stories is an annual series where selected Historical Society members speak on the home’s histories and those of the historical spots in the region. All programs hosted by the Historical Society are free and open to the public on the third Tuesday of the month.

In July, Robert Stangle and Norma Porteus were honored at a luncheon and made Lifetime Trustees for their many years of service to the Society, promoting historical research, encouraging knowledge of Edinburg’s history and their leadership qualities.

The August 18, 7 p.m. program will be at Rusty Gleaves’ studio in Hope Falls where he will be giving us all a peak at his wonderful studio and speaking to us about his latest projects. Treats and coffee will follow. Please sign up by contacting Claudette Koza through This meeting is instead of our usual meeting at the Edinburg Community Center.

Rusty is also providing one of his small pieces for the Edinburg Historical Society raffle. There are three prizes this year, a framed photo by Norma Porteus and a hand-made afghan by Andrea Blackwood. The drawing will be held at the end of the Edinburg Fall Festival.

As we look toward the future, EHS would like to remember the very generous folks that purchased shares this year in memory of, in honor of, or as a gift for a loved one. Shares can be purchased for $25 with proceeds directly funding the preservation and restoration of the Copeland Carriage Shop and Copeland Covered Bridge. All requests can be sent to the Edinburg Historical Society, PO Box 801, Northville, NY 12134. Visitors at the Copeland Covered Bridge and Carriage House Site can view shareholder’s names at any time. We are always very thankful for your support.

Continue to enjoy your summer, soak up the Adirondacks, and remember to take a bit of it with you wherever you go this year!

Contact Maria Spaeth, president for further information at or 863-7063.